Our Vision
Every Child, A Critical Thinker, A Problem Solver and a Math Enthusiast
Our Beliefs
- Every student matters and can achieve a level of mastery of Mathematics that will serve them well in their lives.
- Teaching and Learning of Mathematics should develop students’ competencies of thinking critically in an uncertain situation, making decisions in various contexts and collaborating and communicating with others.
Our Guiding Principles
Math Educators in Queenstown Primary School are guided by the following principles:
1. Pedagogical Plurality is Key
Each child is unique and learns differently. As 21st century Math Educators we explore various teaching strategies that are student-centric and seek to better engage and provide the necessary support and stretch for our students.
2. Consistency is the Strategy
We work collaboratively with our colleagues to explore ideas together as a team and continue building our professional expertise to raise the quality of teaching and learning of Mathematics.
3. Reasoning and Communication is our Cornerstone
As we strive to develop our students to be Critical Thinkers and effective Problem Solvers, we continue to provide opportunities for students to explain their reasoning and work with their peers in the classroom.
Guided by the 3 principles, our Educators instill a joy of learning in Maths by orchestrating meaningful learning experiences in the classroom that allow students to discover mathematical ideas and co-construct mathematical knowledge with their peer. With sound mathematical knowledge, students are guided to adopt a systematic approach through Polya’s Problem Solving process to solve math problems. Teaching of Maths is made accessible for all students through the use of the Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract approach that makes the understanding of key Math concepts accessible for all students.
Math Trail
We place a premium on enabling our students to apply their mathematical thinking beyond the realms of the Math Classroom. The P4 & P5 Math Trail facilitated by our P4 and P5 Math Ambassadors is an example of one such initiative.
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