CCA Teachers-in-Charge
Mr Amos Leong (OIC)
Ms Tan Wei Xin (2IC)
Mr Gordon Ranjit Magherra
Ms Yap Ee Lim
Mr Muhd Taufiq
CCA Training
Mondays, Tuesdays & Fridays
2.30 pm to 5.00 pm
CCA Venue
School Hall
About CCA
The QtPS badminton CCA aims to inspire, ignite a passion of playing badminton and enable every student to realize and develop their potential in this sport. Before the session begins, student leaders will lead the rest of the students for warm up. This routine, instil in students the importance of being a team player, respect and being an effective leader. During the sessions, students will be equipped with a strong foundation of badminton skills and appropriate footwork. Through this process, they learn the importance of perseverance and caring for others. Games and matches are organised frequently where students learn to be patience, confident and think critically as they listen to the coach/CCA teachers.
CCA Achievement
Senior Girls - Entered Semi-finals in the 2021 National Schools Games (South Zone)
Junior Boys - Qualified for Second Round of the 2018 National Schools Games (South Zone)